

Peter Boos was born in 1985, in Vila Velha, Espírito Santo (Brazil), and started his artistic career in Aracruz, in 1998, when joined the amateur theater group Fazendo Cena. Graduated in Scenic Arts with habilitation in Acting by Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro’s State Federal University) – UNIRIO –, in 2006.

During twelve years developed, in Rio de Janeiro, professional artistic activity as actor, author, performer artist, singer, graphic designer, videographer, direction assistant, producer and scenic technician.

Maintained from 2006 to 2013 a continued partnership with the renowned director Moacir Chaves, participating as an actor of relevant mise-en-scènes in Rio’s theater scene, such as: “A Negra Felicidade” (The black Happiness), with dramaturgy of the director himself, “O Retorno ao Deserto” (Return to the Desert) by Bernard-Marie Koltès, “Labirinto” (Labyrinth), with Qorpo-Santo’s texts, “Ecos da Inquisição” (Inquisition Echoes) by Miriam Halfim, “O Jardim das Cerejeiras” (The Cherry Orchard) by Anton Chekhov, and “Macbeth” by William Shakespeare.

In 2012, inside Alfândega 88, theater company he co-founded and where he was producer and graphic designer, Peter Boos was co-creator and member of the project directed by Moacir Chaves that reopened and occupied Teatro Serrador, historic playhouse in Cinelândia. The project received the Prêmio Shell (Shell Award), one of the most important theater awards in Brazil, in the Special Category. At the time Peter Boos was one of those responsible for the repair and upgrade of the theater’s physical structure, for the equipping, maintenance and operation of light and scenery (in partnership with Aurélio de Simoni, one of Brazil’s most renowned light designers), and one of those responsible for the administration of the theater.

Even as an actor, he worked in various other plays, with directors like Bruce Gomlevski, with who he did the play “Festa de Família” (The Celebration), based on the eponymous movie of the Dogma 95 Movement, and Diego Molina, with who he did the plays “Os Trabalhadores do Mar” (Toilers of the Sea), with dramaturgy of the director himself, based on the novel of Victor Hugo, “Joaquim e as Estrelas” (Joaquim and the Stars), juvenile play written by Renata Mizrahi, and “Édipo Rei” (Oedipus the King) by Sophocles. This last play gave Peter Boos an Honorable Mention for his performance in the Festival Estudantil de Teatro do CCBB-Rio (Student Theatre Festival of CCBB-Rio), in 2007.

His most remarkable works as actor in theater are: “Os Sapos” (The Frogs) by Renata Mizrahi, directed by her and Priscila Vidca, “O Banqueiro Anarquista” (The Anarchist Banker), from Fernando Pessoa’s tale, under the direction of Fernando Lopes Lima, and the critically acclaimed and most recent theatrical success in the country “Elis, A Musical” (Elis, The Musical). The musical play produced by Aventura Entretenimento with the text of Nelson Motta and Patrícia Andrade under the direction of the respected director Dennis Carvalho told the story of the greatest Brazilian singer Elis Regina (1945-1982). Besides other characters, Peter Boos played the cartoonist Henfil, famous for fighting the Military Dictatorship in Brazil.

As author, created in partnership with the artist Fernanda Vizeu the performance “Catracacatraca”, controversy action registered in video and published in internet, in which they question the value of the bus pass in Rio de Janeiro, revealing moral issues lived daily by the Brazilian citizens.

He also participated in numerous other productions like videos, soap operas, choreographies in Samba School parades, dramatized lectures and dance theater plays and maintains throughout his career intense activity as a graphic designer, creating graphic arts for theater plays and cultural events in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil.

His experience as producer includes, in addition to those already listed, the Cultural Coordination of Baukurs Cultural (language course and German culture center in Rio de Janeiro), where he was responsible for the opening of the cultural activities, the Coordination Assistance of Performing Arts in the “V Bienal de Artes e Ciências da UNE” (V Biennial of Arts and Sciences of UNE) and, specially, the foundation in 2012 of Beepecriaoc Arte, own cultural production company responsible for the development of projects that seek new parameters for the national cultural production means.

Peter currently lives in Berlin, where he works to stablish cooperation between german and brazilian institutions for a research of production models in german theater companies. In July 2015 took part of central exhibition of the art festival 48 Stunden Neukölln, with the theme S.O.S. – Art Saves the World, where he presented the work “Brazil Exposed”. Currently develops the artistic project Jornal Livre Peter Boos (Free Newspaper Peter Boos), sharing and commenting what brazilian mainstream media doesn’t show.

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